Sideline jobs
GOOD JOBS. Satisfied people.
accente is Germany’s biggest Fair catering company and employs over 300 people in permanent and up to 1,000 in temporary jobs. accente is not only an attractive employer for professionals but mainly also for temporary staff, doing an interesting as well as flexible sideline job that is paid performance based. Why so many jobbers like to work with accente is put by them like this:
No job like any other
The jobs are as different as the congresses and other events for which accente provides the catering. Today it may be a trade fair and tomorrow a congress, a cool concert in the Festhalle where you get very near the stars. At one time it’s people like you and me. At another time the whole world meets here. It couldn’t be more international.
International and multicultural
As international as the guests are the colleagues. They come from all nooks of the world. Everyone is different. And with accente, you are curious and open-minded as far as other cultures are concerned. There are no prejudices or brawls. Maybe because all want the same: do a good job. This forms strong bonds. And these many different contacts may also be helpful in shaping the way you see the world.
Good and appreciative work atmosphere
With accente, no differences are made between permanent and temporary staff. Jobbers are as important as the specialists. The reason obviously is that only all together can turn the big wheel. You simply feel fine and in good hands. Somehow we all are an established multicultural family. This cannot only be seen in the way we work together. You see it also when we have a party together. At a company party or just when it comes our way.
Great opportunities, best perspectives
accente is open for everything and for all. And so everyone gets their opportunity for a good sideline job. Whether student, old-age pensioner, housewife or house husband or simply anyone who is well on top of things and wants to make a cool job. It’s great that you can also get a part-time or a full-time job.
Friends or family and work are no contradictions with accente
Here you can arrange your working hours as you like. This is a genuine piece of freedom. In this way you can readily reconcile work with the people who are important to you. Most Sundays and holidays are days off. This way you are not cut off from all others who have a free weekend and are out and meet. Also in other respect, the working hours are generally a lot better than in the hospitality industry where night work where you often burn the midnight oil.
Tastes great
Don’t underrate it: As jobber you get your meals free during work time. And because all meals are healthy and tasty, this is a point absolutely in favor of a job with accente.
Quickly there, quickly back
The Fairgrounds have very good public transport connections. This saves you a lot of time, which you surely do not want to spend in a tram or train but at work or at home.